2020-08-11 Institutional Adoption Group Meeting Agenda/Minutes
| Name | Affiliation |
x | Jane Shellum | Mayo Clinic |
x | Bill Curtis | CISQ |
| Ken Rubin | University of Utah |
x | Tracie Berardi | OMG, BPM+ Health |
x | Linda Chan | Pivotal Insight |
| Michael Cesino | Visible Systems Corp. |
x | David Mendes |
x | Mike Meier |
Agenda and Minutes
Document any tasks here, Document any decisions on group page
Agenda Item | Lead | Minutes |
Review of RAMM | Jane Shellum | |
6. Skills and Expertise (education component ) Level 3-Skill set changes to meet future advances Level 4 : Central approach to documentations moved to adoption Level 2-What skills do we need? How do we evaluate them? Making sure we have the correct skill set where you have adopted clinical pathways. What extent is our feedback? How can we help them improve? Workforce practices improvement Level 3 Hire support the right people as essential components of work force Level 4 Evaluating the efforts in level 3 meeting outcomes Level 4 Recognize opportunity for improvement. Provide resources/network to improve. Level 5 Clinical skills. If training is not enough. Mentoring can offer immediate feedback. Move to measurement 7. Stakeholder Management Level 3 Moved enterprise wide program office to over see/apply management of standard template Formal change Management Level 3 Is there a manager of patient advocacy? Level 2 Management prioritizes task. Unit has growing awareness. Focus at work unit, one project at a time. Level 5 Inclusion of patient care Is already covered in Level 3 Level 5 move all to level 4 and replace with When stakeholders involvement objectives does not meet objectives. Level 4 Move Routine Inclusion of patient priorities in activity and decision planning to Level 2 Level 4 Constant monitoring/reviewing analysis, and improvement cycled Moved from Level 5 Level 3 Collect consistent data Level 5 Entity has established processes that are used for impact Moved to 4 in Measurement Level 4 Stakeholders proactively engage with pathway adoption to continuously improve process 4 Adoption Process Level 2 Readiness of Adoption: Tool for Gap analysis-Enterprise business architecture allows identification of critical integration points. Business practice using BPM+ Meta 8 Knowledge Assets Level 3 Set policy-Knowledge management introduced to inventory KM exist that supports management of Clinical practice Transparent- Knowledge management has machine readability. Package knowledge to be reuse and be consistent. Make sure your pathways make conflicting guidance. Ask Robert Lario for language guidance