2020-11-17 Adoption Group Meeting Agenda/Minutes
2020-11-17 Adoption Group Meeting Agenda/Minutes
| Name | Affiliation |
x | Jane Shellum | Mayo Clinic |
x | Bill Curtis | CISQ, CAST |
x | Ken Rubin | University of Utah, BPM+ Health |
x | Tracie Berardi | OMG, BPM+ Health |
x | Raju Prasannappa | Unissant |
x | Sandra Mitchell | JP Systems |
Agenda and Minutes
Document any tasks here, Document any decisions on group page
The group reviewed the Playbook, which lives here on Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PytqSnxNRu8HdZ__lL27cqpUp9wm7MA5ufGjyFPN4BU/edit#heading=h.1mrcu09
The team worked on Section 4, the “Process of Adopting Clinical Practice Guidelines “ section.