Sandbox Persona
Sandbox Persona
A sandbox persona is a user used for authenticating when launching an app. A Persona is tied to either a Practitioner or Patient FHIR Resource.
Step 1: Select who is the Persona (patient or practitioner) will be
A Persona is used to simulate a real-world actor in an app launch. First, select either patient or practitioner.
- If you select a practitioner, then you are creating a Persona which is tied to a practitioner to later be used to open an app and perform a function.
- If you select a patient, then you are creating a Persona which is tied to a patient to later be used to log into a PHR or patient portal to perform a function.
Step 2: Enter a user id and password for the Persona
Enter a user id and password to be used when authenticating the persona during the app launch.
Note: the user id will be postfixed with "@<sandboxId>
Step 3: Save
Save the Persona. Now the Persona is available to be used in a Launch Scenario or for authentication during a standalone launch.
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