2020-06-25 Meeting notes

2020-06-25 Meeting notes


Jun 25, 2020


  • @Yvonne Diabene

  • @Keith Campbell

  • @Andrew Sills

  • @Linda Wedemeyer

Discussion topics





Prepping for Presentation

  • Keith

    • We're getting to the point where we need to present and need to focus on what we need to add or do to make this credible

    • We need to prepare for our meeting with Chuck, Kathy and some others on July 7th

    • Linda will work offline with Robert on CMMN and then show a draft of what has been done on Monday

  • Keith

    • Let's get an appropriate amount of business intelligence on those people so that the 7th isn't a status update but a dry run

    • Let's have an examplar of every single part.

    • Steve will be a friendly audience



  • Andrew

    • Expecting that meeting to present final product at the end of the month will include Jon Nebeker and Chuck

  • Keith

    • Intent: Each workflow shows higher level workflow and indicates where we want to collect data - then we have a questionnaire for each of those places, so that once we have questionnaires and data elements, we would go into DMN for decision tables

  • Andrew

    • Would DMN tables be based off of whatever the logic is for ANF?

  • Keith

    • Yes, but you have to know your questions first

    • Having the questionnaire come before we have the questions makes adding the DMN harder, because you don't focus on the conditions

    • For the ED workflow, he's put in both BPMN and CMMN because there is that sequential sort of events which is a happy path in BPMN, but if the patient is acute, it's too rigid. So what might that look like if its modeled in CMMN (Linda and Robert will work on this)

    • Might be easier to have each questionnaire stand alone on its own page so you can add it to the page of contents and might be easier to go through

    • Would like to get the narrative for the questions so that we know what's being asked, and so that we can pick a few elements that we can have a cohesive story against

  • Keith

    • Linda can do the narratives for these questionnaire and update the narratives and Andrew and Keith can work on how to encode them

    • The other part of it is up-to-date standards. At some point, we want to say here's how the HL7 FHIR resources can help represent the questionnaires

  • Keith

    • On transformations: how do we get from input to ANF?

    • The idea is that when we find new patterns, we would add to this list and say here's the standard transform

    • This eliminates a bit of the ambiguity and provides frameworks/trying to fit into the defined pattern

  • Keith

    • Maybe we put the question and just the transformation on one page

    • One of the things we could've articulated better on the ballot; some people might ask what are some the things that could cause us to have a common representation so we can elaborate on the patterns

  • Keith

    • Idea: the questionnaire just has a narrative, and has only one question that links to a different page

  • Andrew

    • Has confidence about where team needs to be for presentation to Chuck

  • Keith

    • We need a divide and conquer approach:

    • Need to figure out where we need to do a deep dive…

Next Steps

  • Linda will work on questions for each of the different workflows

  • Get a set of narrative or questions for at least the first workflow and continue to work on those until they have time to work on CMMN for the ER workflows

  • Work on presentation and details related to questions and questionnaires