2020-06-08 Meeting notes

2020-06-08 Meeting notes


Jun 8, 2020


  • @Andrew Sills

  • @Keith Campbell

  • @Linda Wedemeyer

  • @Penni Hernandez


  • Review confluence content

Discussion topics







Review of Progress and potential areas to work on

@Keith Campbell @Penni Hernandez @Linda Wedemeyer @Andrew Sills

  • Suggesting to create a questionnaire to support DMN data element creation

  • This questionnaire be applied to each task/activity that is documented with the BPMN

  • Are we coding the questions being asked or is it the answers

    • Specifically involving for example “Specimen analyze date” aka the date it was collected

    • There is suggestion to be pragmatic and prioritize the data elements we are starting to topify for future use in ANF

    • For now, not worry about creating new concepts but still need to have a question and answer paradigm (not necessarily LOINC and SNOMED)

    • For now we need to focus on topic creation

  • Issues with dates can be a further discussion as to how best to represent the question/answer paradigm within the ANF model/building blocks (e.g., circumstance)

  • For Specimen site, is this part of the topic? if so there is a timing attribute as part of the circumstance

    • A use case driven approach will be used for ANF to see if by design it can meet the needs of our BPA of clinical workflows

  • ANF seeks to reduce complexity of information model by reducing dynamic expressions in topics

Action items
