2020-07-16 Meeting notes

2020-07-16 Meeting notes


Jul 16, 2020


  • @Yvonne Diabene

  • @Linda Wedemeyer

  • @Penni Hernandez

  • @Keith Campbell

  • @Robert Lario

  • @Andrew Sills

  • Madeline Klineman

Discussion topics





Describing the “What” and “Why”

  • Keith:

    •  I think we can set aside the knowledge architecture model for now, but we can talk about it at a business requirement level; what are the things that need to be done

  • Robert:

    • His understanding last week was to put together slides at a business level that explains the business proposition of using this

  • Keith:

    • Yes we want to explain what rather than how - as in what are the different implications? We are trying to tell the story of why it is that we need to do that.

    • Think the slides were addressed at a detailed level that won't work for our audience

  • Robert:

    • Understood first ask as why do we do this/ why did we use BPM+ and now we are talking about what so he wants to make sure that the why question is covered already

  • Linda:

    • She talked about adding semantics to fill the gaps on the slide, but she can go back and take another stab at telling that story

  • Keith: 

    • The question we need to answer is not "why BPM+", but rather "what is the compelling health care need that requires BPM+" so that we can justify the business needs

  • Robert:

    • They addressed the goals at the beginning of those slides

  • Keith:

    • There is a huge gap of understanding on the part of a potential audience between the health/patient need and the work products and so explaining clinical knowledge and communication is challenging but important

  • Andrew:

    • We are getting some strategic comms support (Madeline Klineman); Madeline is on the line

  • Keith:

    • The people were are working with and going to be presenting to don’t have the background that we have and so the strategic comms will be very helpful

    • The goal is that everyone benefits from the work that we've done, and that we can show the benefit from framing these things

    • Request: Linda and Robert help us to draft this message

  • Andrew:

    • Let's figure out what the story/journey that we want to tell that explains why this is important to what they care about , and then the nuance of the detail Linda is proposing will follow

Next Steps

  • Linda:

    • Happy to help with that. She is OOO July 24 - August 7th, but mostly available the week of 7/20/20 and works 10am-6:30pm ET

  • Yvonne:

    • Will set up a call to discuss strategic communications plan based on Linda's availability next week

  • Penni:

    • Has completed Yes/No and Unknown parts of questionnaire but needs someone to fill in or give ideas on some of the things she has questions on

  • Andrew: Will connect with her

Action items

Yvonne will schedule a call with the group to discuss comms strategy
Andrew, Penni will continue to work on questionnaires

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