Body Side Reference Set

Body Side Reference Set

This reference set is used to document body side - left, right or bilateral.

Use Case(s)

This reference set is used when a body location side for a condition, procedure, or evaluation result is documented.


Body Side Refset

Purpose of Refset

This reference set contains concepts used to result the body side of a condition or measurement. This reference set is used to result LOINC code 20228-3 "Anatomic part Laterality".

Examples of what to include

Right, Left, Bilateral

Examples of what to exclude

Findings precoordinated with body side such as Right Otitis Media

Zero or one OR Zero or more


Editorial Guidelines

This reference set contains concepts used to result the side of the body a condition occurs, procedure was done, or measurement was taken. Referencing the SNOMED Attribute 272741003 |Laterality (attribute) and the LOINC term "Anatomic part Laterality" 20228-3.

Similar SOLOR Refsets (assemblages)

<List similar existing refsets in SOLOR.>

Associated Value Sets

VSAC contains a value set for "Right" and a value set for "Left" each with on concept in the value set. These are used in QRDA and are not reusable. There is a LOINC example answer list LL3803-5 "Left|Right|Bilateral|Unilateral / Answers: 4; Scale: Nom; Code: -; Score: -".

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