2017-08-07 Solor Dev Meeting notes

2017-08-07 Solor Dev Meeting notes




  • Move refsets from in-progress → ready for SME feedback

Discussion items


Call meeting to orderSusan C

Are there any blockers for moving refsets into "In review" → "SME feedback" they all seem to be "in progress"Liz/Holly

What is the process for SME's to review refsets/value sets?

How will SME's see the value sets/refsets to provide feedback? Short-term and Long-term?

How long will they have to provide feedback?

How will feedback be given back to SOLOR Developers?

Is there a SME "owner" per refset? or is there 1 primary contact for all of Wound Assessment?

Avey Davis - primary contact VA

Avey is the coordination point for other VA SME's

refset/value sets will be reviewed in spreadsheet from Liz

Liz/Holly will enter SME feedback in JIRA

Avey will set up meeting - specify turn around

-- don't overload SME with our process

-- know exactly what we want to ask them

-- how do SMEs request to add more terms

--- terms need to be equivalent

--- make clear to SMEs what is available for review

Spreadsheet question 1

For Column D (Definitions), the rows highlighted in blue don’t have definitions or the definition

does not have a reference source.  For future projects, it seems that the subject matter experts will populate that column. 

For this project, please let me know if I you would like me to capture those definitions from Stedman’s

Medical Dictionary or another authoritative source. 

No we don't need definitions for this iteration if it is clear.

Spreadsheet question 2

Column H, Topics for discussion with VA SMEs, captures the dialog between the VA SMEs and SOLOR

Developers to validate that the content reflects the pressure ulcer minimum data set values as requested by

the VA SMEs.  Before we meet with the VA SMEs, it might be helpful to discuss the following questions:

  1. Row 41- There is a value of blister in the Description of Periwound Reference Set.  How was the
    need for an open blister addressed in the Periwound Reference Set?
  2. Row 63 – VA SMEs identified the need for  "obscured by dressing" value.  The documentation states
    “Not part of this data element”  Is there a more descriptive way to state that?
  3. Row 82 – Is VA SME feedback needed for Wound Base versus Wound Bed
  4. There are several questions for individual rows in the Wound bed appearance reference set. 
    Please review the questions to see if they have been addressed. 
    For row 91, should
    hypergranulation (granulation occurring above skin level) 31825002 |Abnormal granulation tissue (disorder)|
    be added to the RefSet?  
  5. Is the distinction between scabbed edges and scabbed wound bed values necessary, need for better definition?

  1. Row 41 Periwound condition refset - Need to ask SMEs if they want open blister and intact blister added to the refset.
  2. Row 63 - do not add "obscured by dressing" value. everything that you are unable to access is at a higher level
  3. Row 82 - susan m "Wound edges are either diffuse, well defined or rolled. Also note if the edges are attached to the wound bed or unattached. Unattached wound edges usually indicate some sort of undermining process. ... Describe the types of tissue found in the wound..Approximated incision, meaning that the edges are brought together without areas of separation, heal by primary intention. Figure 1 depicts a surgical wound healing by primary intention. Surgically closed wounds sustain less tissue loss." snomed term of "wound bed attached" and "wound bed not attached" move approximated to wound edge refset. Wound bed appearance refset needs to be discussed with VA SMEs. eschar needs a better definition from VA SME
  4. granulation was added to the refset
  5. wound bed is synonymous with wound base. do VA SMEs want to add a synonym? or dialect? ask Keith Campbell
  6. Ask VA SMEs if they will accept PT?

SOL-1 - Create a refset of all concepts in snomed that pertain to skin color TO DO

SOL-33 - Wound Anatomic Location Refset TO DO

SOL-29 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SOL-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS

SOL-75 - Create SOLOR CIMI binding requirements TO DO

Action items

  • Susan Castillo send spreadsheet to Avey that Liz put together Get on SMEs normally scheduled meetings – next SME meeting is Tuesday, 15th August (Avey to confirm)
  • Susan Matney consider Suicide Prevention be the next project to work on