2017-09-25 Solor Dev Meeting notes

2017-09-25 Solor Dev Meeting notes




  • Progress new refsets
  • SME review 

Discussion items

Call meeting to order


 New refsets

SOL-83 - skin colors from master spreadsheet TO DO

SOL-84 - Skin Moisture RefsetTO DO

SOL-85 - Skin Temperature Refset TO DO
SOL-86 - Skin Turgor RefsetTO DO

 Pretty straight forward – no questions from John at this time

SOL-80 - Research and determine values for Episode and Trend refsets TO DO

I'm not sure if Liz has anything to present...

  • VA SMEs have given input
  • PUSH tool scales - length, width, exudate amount – can track w/o worrying about copy right
    copy right protects the expression of the ideas not the ideas
    sub-score, total score computation - does not get in the model
    Susan Matney Push tool – take this as an example and get legal advice, what is fair use and what isn't?
    How do we (John Kilbourne Liz McCool (Unlicensed)) normalize wound exudate - independent of copy right issues?
    • create document - liz/john
    • send to Apurva to get legal advice from Lawyers

Review SME requestsContinue review of SME comments

What will released on October 30th?
  • We will deliver an Extension to be posted by HSPC Susan Castillo will follow up with Craig
  • SOLOR Developer launch - Set of programs that anyone who has a license to the standard terminologies can run

Action items