2017-10-04 SOLOR/CIMI Extension & VA Extension Meeting notes

2017-10-04 SOLOR/CIMI Extension & VA Extension Meeting notes




  • Common Principal Editorial Guidelines

Discussion items

call meeting to orderSusan Castillo

 Process for submitting content to the NLM/Peer review process  TBD

IPO requirements for US Extension ID vs VA Extension ID
Steve/Keith might need to help so IPO will accept VA Extension IDs

Future VA Extension work will use JIRA/Confluence
Susan Castillo to notify Mike of decision to use JIRA/Confluence for future VA Extension work

Analysis spreadsheet presented 67 new concepts submitted (40 require clarification) to NLMLiz McCool (Unlicensed)

VA wound exudate concepts/CIMI wound exudate

wound discharge and wound exudate are synonymous

VA Extension is intended to encode VA nursing SMEs requests/documentation

Action items

  • sarita to send susan castillo the editorial guidelines/principals VA have developed previously...
  • Liz McCool (Unlicensed), sarita will meet with Holly, Catherine to get agreement on proposed way forward with current VA Extension concept clarifications
  • Susan Castillo is there a notion of project specific modules vs namespaces in termspace ?