2017-10-02 SOLOR Dev Meeting notes

2017-10-02 SOLOR Dev Meeting notes




  • Review SME feedback 

Discussion items

Call Meeting to Order
  Review of Skin Color Refset

currently the RefSet is query based and includes many concepts that aren’t

needed for this project and many of the terms requested by the SMEs are not included. 

SOL-1 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Discussion at meeting:

add an enumerated skin color refset and keep the query based to use to compare; one can be preferred for a particular use...i.e. skin/wound assessment. 1 named skin color refset; 1 named skin color query refset - cyanosis of skin existing snomed term use this one for now - cyanosis of skin and/or skin associated mucous membrane in VA extension. Perhaps the query could be refined - Liz has ideas on how to refine it.

SOL-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Review of Anatomic Site Refset

DRAFT — Needs review ––– Anatomic Site Modifier RefSet needed add a new refset based on refset in VSAC

Susan Castillo find out if termspace can include a refset w/ a refset

Discussion at meeting:

wound anatomic location refset

upper arm vs arm vs upper extremity – make sure language is compatible

use a name as close to what the clinicians want. display name would be upper arm and forearm

Liz - will document changes in JIRA 33

skin of elbow and/or forearm and/or wrist concept — Inactivate in our extension

Add new concepts in "red" in spreadsheet - wound anatomic location refset

Keep anatomy laterality and location separate refsets – combined refset needs to make sure of both refsets e.g blood pressure pre-coordinated anatomy

3 new refsets

  1. laterality
  2. anatomic location for a domain
  3. site modifier = domain + laterality refsets e.g. right arm, left arm, right brachial, coronal sagital

New Principals

  1. articulating a refset should specific to a domain such as BP
  2. reconizing that we have a need for common associated things such as laterality
  3. document naming conventions for these refsets

Review of outstanding questions on the Skin Assessment Data Elements

review of the Skin Turgor, Skin Moisture and Skin Temperature

RefSets in preparation for review by the VA SMEs. /wiki/spaces/SOLOR/pages/106762816

Discuss Wound Trend data elements

SOL-21 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Review of of the master spreadsheet, the wound assessment data elements and the skin assessment data elements./wiki/spaces/SOLOR/pages/106762816

Action items

  • Jay Lyle review laterality spreadsheet and bring to SOLOR DEV meeting

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