2017-10-16 SOLOR Dev Meeting notes




  • Review SME changes

Discussion items

Liz McCool

call meeting to order

 Wound exudate Volume

Wound exudate Volume (ml): I have discussed this with Susan, but forgot to mention it on the call. It is my opinion that an exudate volume measurement would belong in a drainage device model since that is when an accurate mL measurement would be obtainable. The wound assessment model wound use the wound exudate amount descriptors: none, scant, small, moderate, heavy. What are your thoughts?

  • One of the original CIMI Master sheets I was using under wound type did not have BOTH Stage I, Stage II, Stage III, Stage IV AND Pressure ulcer stage 1, 2, 3, 4. I want to confirm that only 4 are needed and not all 8.

 Lindy suggests only qualitative amount

ml Resolution: SMEs felt they needed qualitative but we can have both quantitative and qualitative. 

Susan Castillo enter Jira – Stage I, II III are needed for long term care - add these as synonym to the Stage 1 etc concepts

Wound Type Reference Set:  

  • Clarification, based on the definition from NPUAP, Deep Tissue Injury concept should be named Deep Tissue Pressure Injury.  The definition has been added to the spreadsheet. 
  • Request that Diaper Rash be a synonym for Moisture Associated Skin Damage

Already a Jira – this is the clarification –Deep Tissue pressure injury not Deep Tissue Injury

Need a common approach from Ulcer to Injury for SNOMED Intl, VA, US Extension. Susan M requested that they be synomyns. Stan agreed that there is little to no distinction. Susan Castillo Add this definition/sitation to refset description. Susan Matney These were submitted to NLM US Extension? or SNOMED CT International release?

Diaper Rash - take out of refset

Susan Matney Bring up this issue with SNOMED Intl

Wound bed fibroness - Periwound condition, wound bed appearance ... Liz McCool (Unlicensed)

Keith Campbell stan/susan morphology as answers is ok – seems analogous to colors Susan Matney will create a Jira

Keith Campbell Can you have a refset with concepts from different domains? morphology and findings? Does this make it harder for the implementors...? Susan Castillo CIMI/SOLOR meeting agenda item

Wound Internal Structure – Visible

  • Change name of RefSet to Wound Internal Item and/or Body Structure – Visible
  • Add concept of Foreign body

Susan Castillo add Jira to rename refset and add Foreign body

Causative Agent RefSet

  • Change name of RefSet to Wound Type Etiology
  • Add concepts as outlined in updated spreadsheet.

Susan Castillo remove Causative Agent Refset

Susan Castillo Jira new refset named Etiology refset

New RefSets discussed

  • Wound Trend
  • Wound Episode
  • Anatomic Location Modifiers – Should this be 1 large ref set and then 2 smaller ref sets of Anatomic Location Laterality and Anatomic Location Spatial Modifiers be created? — ADD to next meeting agenda

Susan Castillo create Jira for New refsets for wound Trend, wound episode 

Liz McCool (Unlicensed) Anatomic 

Wound Tissue Color

  • VA SME request to differentiate bright and pale for red and pink values.

Did we cover all the items from 10/4 meeting?

2017-10-02 SOLOR Dev Meeting notes

Susan Castillo

Action items