2014-09-30 Steering Committee Meeting Notes

2014-09-30 Steering Committee Meeting Notes







 Ajay Asthana 
 Janet Campbell Epic
 John Couk LSU
 YOscar Diaz Harris
 Julio Cesar Farcelli University of Utah
 ERick Freeman iSalus Consulting
 Mike Garcia Louisiana State University
 Robert Greenes Arizona State University
 YStan Huff Intermountain
 David Kreda 
 Skip Mc Gaugney Open Health Tools
 YTom Oniki Intermountain
 Marc Overhage Siemans
 YCraig Parker Intermountain
  Vassil Peytchev Epic
 Jeff Rogers IBM
 Surj Ramlogan Allscripts
 Scot Post van der Burg Salus Consulting
 Paul White Muir Equity
 YHerb White Infocare Health
 YWayne Wilbright Louisiana State University
 Virginia Riehl (support) Independent Consultant








Review Agenda  Virginia RiehlIdentify agenda changes
Incorporation Status Stan HuffConfirm that notice has gone to members
Board of Directors Meeting Stan Huff 
 VA Oscar Diaz Status of project with LSU 
Operations Work Group Craig ParkerReview proposal on the Work Groups and how they will work
Business Arm Work Group Oscar DiazUpdate
Event Policies Oscar Diaz  
Project Plan Rick Freeman


Review JIRA example

Sandbox Rick FreemanUpdate
 Hosted Vendor Implementations Ajay Asthana 
Communications and Marketing Rick Freeman 
  • Member survey re. communication methods -- Eileen
  • Prepare blog post on DC meeting – Stan
  • Prepare thoughts on DC meeting, attendees, and links to education – Chuck, Eileen, Rick
  • Update marketing materials
  • Prepare executive overview of HSPC
  • Develop newsletter
  • Define announcement distribution channels
  • Develop marketing campaign
  • Develop press releases    
  • Define consistent process for committees to document their discussions and actions 
Decision rights and processes Oscar Diaz


Engagement of someone with knowledge of standards approval processes

HIMSS Meeting Rick FreemanUpdate  

Status of VA representation


Value proposition from Ajay


Identification of participants

AMIA Meeting Stan Huff

Confirm plans and determine next steps

HSPC Meeting Plans  Confirm plans and determine next steps
Review Action Items  Confirm accuracy and update status





Review Agenda  
 Major Focus Areas

 Areas of major focus:

  • Incorporation and organization
  • Get technical content on website or other accessible location
    • FHIR profiles that can be viewed and browsed
    • Sample programs that show how the FHIR profiles can be used 
  • Plans for the next meeting

May also be some tactical areas that need to be addressed

Need to spend a couple of hours planning the agenda for the next meeting.  Determine on this call the purpose and goals of the next meeting.

Incorporation Status Still needs to be doneOscar will send out notice to the email list 
 Board of Directors

Setting up a bank account. 

Looking at E&O insurance.  Getting 4 quotes. Will review coverage and if it is sufficient.

Next Board meeting needs to be scheduled. 

Need a volunteer CFO.  A draft P&L has been developed.

Need to determine how dues will be structured.  HL7 model is not quite what HSPC has in mind.  HSPC is looking a companies that will be at different levels.HL7 is a rough ball park of dues levels.  The dues structure should reflect the size of the company.  Dues will need to be set quickly to enable financial projections. 

Craig and Oscar will be developing the operational plan. 

Oscar will provide his new email address.

Jackson Health outreach – no one has had any response from Jackson Health.  Wayne and Oscar will reach out to them by phone.  Their signature is included in corporate documents. 


Wayne will reach out to Mike Garcia

By Laws

Retention of Documents

Whistleblower Policy

Bank Account

Financial Protection re. tax exemption

Board Insurance

Establish Membership Dues

Distribute Minutes


Movement at the OI&T level.  Paul Tibbits and Jonathan Nebeker to have a project with LSU. 

Transfer of funds is awaiting incorporation.  VA will roll the money over to FY15.  Will provide $50,000 in funding.  This will accelerate the FHIR profiles.

VA is looking for platform as a service for clinical integration –   Six areas New  Orleans Salt Lake, Seattle, Indianapolis.  This will lower the cost of entry.

Regenstrief– Bob Greenes will reach out to Regenstrief.  May have to define dues structure to have further conversations with Regenstrief. 

Geisinger, Vanderbilt, Kaiser, and Partners – Need to follow-up.  John Mattison at Kaiser would be a good contact.  Stan will reach out to John Mattison and Jamie Ferguson. 

Dues –

  • Founding member $200,000 eligible for a Board seat, vote for Board members
  • Associate member $15,000 per year.  May want to have a sliding scale based on organization size.
  • Participating   member $500 per year – this is for individuals
  • In-Kind contributions will count toward dues
  • May want to allow some board seats to representation that is not founding members


Receipt of check

Project with LSU

Operations Work Group

 The Operations Work Group is focused on the rules for decision making. 

Tom Oniki has done some work on terminology.

Still need to define the overall practices.

Oscar and Craig will meet and bring back proposal next week.

Appointment of Work Group

Develop proposal for how the groups will operate.   

Craig and Oscar will set up meeting

 Profile DevelopmentTom Oniki and Stan will meet on this 
Business Arm Work Group


Craig will set up meeting with Oscar

Operating plan development

P&L development

Virginia will send HL7 membership fee structure to Oscar.

Event Policies


Develop a process and policies around attending events for HSPC and for member recruitment "bonus"
Project Plan


 Demo of JIRA

Bob Greenes and Rick have discussed a first tier sand box.  Will have a follow-up call.

Would be good to integrate implementations in one place, e.g., one Amazon instance.  Will integrate FHIR services and OAUTH.  Use this as a starting platform.

Will have an innovation space to test new ideas. 

As HSPC builds out CIMI/CEM profiles need to determine if these will be included in the sandbox.  Could the CIMI profiles be assembled from the basic FHIRs retrievals.  Need to understand if this aligns with vendor ability to support. 

Oscar and Rick are discussing whether existing web services could be utilized with a wrapper. 

May take some time for the vendor community to implement the FHIR profiles and REST services. 

Develop requirements

Outcomes of Friday planning meeting

Support for orchestration

Reference architecture definition

 Hosted Vendor Implementations  
Communications and Marketing


Survey Responses

HIMSS promotion discussions with Alex Lippitt

Meeting with ONC

Meeting with CMS

Create mailing list

Update marketing materials

Develop white paper

Develop budget for website

Prepare executive overview of HSPC

Define announcement distribution channels

Develop marketing campaign

Develop press releases


HIMSS Meeting 

Virginia will pass Datuit contact information to Rick Freeman

Rick and Oscar will develop a budget for HIMSS

Process for signing up members at HIMSS

AMIA Meeting

Will have a "late breaking session".  There will be a SMART on FHIR demo.  Stan will participate in this. 

This was included in the AMIA newsletter.  Will be on Monday afternoon. 

 Status Update
HSPC Meeting Plans

 Objectives of next meeting:

  • Hold technical sessions
    • Modeling and terminology
    • Service framework, how to make sample code available, how to document technical decisions
    • Development environments/sandbox – functions, stakeholders
  • Have two days so that people can participate in both organizational and technical
  • Would be ideal to be ready to finalize voting and governance and operational processes
  • Further discussion of data virtualization and orchestration approaches.  Orchestration is in the scope of HSPC.  Would not be a requirement of every member to participate in the orchestrated framework.
  • On Board new attendees with a pre-session
  • HIMSS track for planning.  Should have a plan of what will be done at HIMSS

 Target decision by October 1

Set up a two hour call to plan meeting – Craig and Oscar

Review Action Items  



 Action Items    


Start Date

End Date



 Define Plans for VA Project With LSU09/23/14    
 Process for Signing Up Members at HIMSS09/23/14   
 HIMSS Budget Development09/23/14    
 Develop Orchestration Demonstration09/23/14    
 Policy on Member Recruitment Bonus09/23/14  Oscar Diaz  
 Evaluate JIRA for Managing the Project Plan09/09/14  Rick Freeman  
 Notify HSPC group of incorporation09/02/14  Stan Huff  
Finalize By Laws and Membership Agreement09/12/14 Temporary Board 
Enroll Members    
Define Operating Processes08/26/14 Craig ParkerNeed to appoint Work Group and proposals on how they will work
Define Decision Rights and Processes08/26/14 

Oscar Diaz

Mike Hederson

Sue Jimenez

Rick Freeman

Tom Oniki

Business Arm Work Group08/26/14 Oscar Diaz 
External Communications Work Group08/26/14 Eileen Rivera 
Prepare blog post on DC meeting09/02/14 Stan Huff 
Conduct survey on communications08/26/14 Eileen RiveraSurvey fielded
Create Mailing List09/02/14 Eileen Rivera

Email group created

Will distribute email to request people to register for the list

Update Marketing Materials08/26/14   
 Develop White Paper    
 Develop Budget for Website09/23/14   Rick Freeman 
Prepare Executive Overview of HSPC08/26/14   Ajay is working on a value proposition statement for review by Steering Committee
Define Announcement Distribution Channels08/26/14   
Develop Marketing Campaign08/26/14   
Develop Press Releases08/26/14  Draft developed by PR staff from Harris
Define Consistent Processes for Committees to Document Their Discussion and Actions08/26/14  Need to recruit someone with experience with standards approval processes
Create a Project Plan and Road Map (release schedule) for the Technical Specification Development08/26/14 Rick FreemanTesting JIRA to maintain the plan

Establish Sandbox

  • Where & How?
  • Set standards
  • ASU Mayo, LSU
  • What is in the sandbox?
  • Identify the essential minimum set of capabilities
  • Core services - patient identification, security, data access services
  • Expansive dataset
  • Access to profiles
  • Sample apps
  • Reference implementation
  • Target EHRs?
  • Certification level sandbox
  • One or more app dev SDKs.

Encourage hosted vendor implementations


Rick Freeman

Robert Greenes 

Herb White

Aziz Boxwala

Scott Whyte

Oscar Diaz

Julio Facelli

Ajay Asthana

 Rick will schedule a meeting on this during the week of 09/02

Bob Greenes suggested that someone from the VA should participate in this group

Rick Freeman will reach out to Darren Drew to identify a VA representatives


  • Have some applications in production use
  • EASE from Mayo
  • Meducation by Polyglot
  • VisualDX
  • Intermountain Bilirubin
  • Multiple vendors

Apps from multiple developers

 08/26/14 Rick Freeman 

Need to develop a theme

Need to recruit participants 

 HSPC Meeting

  • When
  • Where
  • Host 
 08/26/14   Need to set a date


 Appoint Temporary Board08/28/14 09/12/14 Stan Huff  
 Prepare Thoughts on DC Meeting08/26/14 09/22/14 Eileen Rivera  
 Develop Newsletter08/26/14 09/22/14  Eileen Rivera