2015-04-28 Steering Commitee Meeting Notes

2015-04-28 Steering Commitee Meeting Notes




 YAjay Asthana
 Janet Campbell
 John Couk
 YOscar Diaz
 Julio Cesar Farcelli
 YRick Freeman
 Mike Garcia
 YRobert Greenes
 Y Laura Heermann
 YStan Huff
 Skip Mc Gaugney
 YTom Oniki
 Marc Overhage
 YCraig Parker
  Vassil Peytchev
  Eileen Rivera
 Jeff Rogers
 Paul White
 YHerb White
 Wayne Wilbright
 YVirginia Riehl (support)







Review Agenda and  Meeting Schedule

 Virginia Riehl
Priority Item –  HIMSS Meeting Rick Freeman
Priority Item – Plans for Upcoming Meetings Oscar Diaz 
Priority Item –  Partner Development –  VA, Mayo Oscar Diaz 
Priority Item – Website Craig Parker
Priority Item – Incorporation and Organization Stan Huff/Oscar Diaz
Priority Item – Committee Organization – Implementation of Process Craig Parker
Priority Item – Press Releases Oscar Diaz 
Priority Item –   Get technical content on website or other accessible location Stan Huff/Rick Freeman
Priority Item –  Tier 2 Messaging Craig Parker
Priority Item –  Value Proposition  Ajay Asthana
HL7 Argonaut Project  Stan Huff
Operations Work Group Craig Parker
Project Plan Rick Freeman
Hosted Vendor Implementations Ajay Asthana
Communications and Marketing Rick Freeman
Decision rights and processes Craig Parker, Tom Oniki, & Rick Freeman
Review Action Items  Virginia Riehl





Review Agenda and Meeting Schedule



Priority Item –HIMSS Meeting


 Rick – Had a meeting last week to debrief. Want to keep the App development group going.  The group will meet monthly.  Craig and Rick will develop a long term view.  The participants felt that their participation was valuable.  It was  a great way to get exposure.  Rick received positive feedback from his presentation.  There was a steady stream of people through the booth.  There was also good participation at the Intermountain booth.

Rick – We should document lessons learned that can be used in planning for next year.  Engagement and partnership was great.  For next year it will be important to have stronger branding and presence.

Oscar – We need to start planning now.  The marketing manager will help with this.

Tom – Talked to Grahame who had people ask if they should join HSPC.  Grahame encouraged people to join.  Grahame said it was not clear to people what HSPC is. 

Oscar – Need to talk to Grahame and make sure he can explain HSPC.

Rick – People are ready to work on HIMSS 2016.

Oscar – We should register for a booth location.  This will require funding.

Oscar – VA supported HSPC in their presentations at HIMSS.  

Rick Freeman


Priority Item – HSPC Meeting Plans

 Oscar – We are moving towards an endorsement from the American College of Surgeons.  They are also planning to become members.  They will host the next HSPC meeting.  They have a large room and breakout rooms.  VA will co-host.  IBM will co-host a session or two.  Would like to discuss Watson.  The meeting will be June 17 - 19th.  The afternoon of the 17th will be technical.  The 18th through 3:00 p.m. on the 19th will be the full group. 

Bob – Bob and Davida will be attending a meeting in Italy. 

Oscar – Will talk to Davide. 

Stan – Have good audio for remote presentation.

Stan – Need to start developing a detailed agenda.

Oscar – There is significant interest in use cases.

Stan – Could have a one hour session for updates.

Oscar – Craig will take the lead on developing the agenda and will send out a "save the date"

Craig – Will send out a "save the date"


Priority Item – Partner Development –  VA, Mayo

Oscar – Northwestern, UPMC, ACOG, will be joining HSPC.  Oscar is talking at ACOG this week and the Scottsdale Institute with Craig.  Will be following up with CHIME.  CHIME might be able to provide a confluence site.  They have a meeting in Scottsdale in early Fall

Oscar – Strengthened the VA relationship. Have gotten commitment from Shreveport to move forward.  Anticipate meeting on Friday to layout the timeline.  Had a call this morning to discuss the architecture.  Will be using the SOA suite.  This will bring to bear some real world use cases.  The VA has two efforts under way.  First – SOA suite for care coordination.  Second – Still being formed.  Looking for partners to assist in building SOA stack.  They need a way to coordinate the partners supporting the SOA stack development.  Would need a CREDA to designated HSPC as the coordinator.

Oscar – Cerner is considering making the TIBCO platform open source.  The VA is interested in consuming the TIBCO platform.  VA would have two SOA platforms – TIBCO and IBM.

Oscar – Met with OMG.  OMG would like HSPC to become a sub-group in OMG.  OMG has developed the business process standards.

Stan – Met with Regenstrief.  Clarified that HSPC would expand to additional platforms.  Regenstrief will join as an associate and will join the next meeting. 

Stan – It was clear that HSPC strikes a cord with many audiences.  Indian Health Services has implemented an App.  A small company with a blood ordering product HSPC as a way to make their product more marketable.  Athena Health sees HSPC as compatible with their architecture.  Need to follow-up.

Rick – Athena was engaged in the HIMSS development.

Oscar – Have gotten some requests for membership.   

Oscar – Mayo is very interested in a platform as a service delivery and will create a HSPC SIG for this.  They want to create a SOA in the cloud.  TELUS is also interested in this model.  Will be developing a document on the value of HSPC to Mayo.

Stan – This type of document would be useful with other organizations that HSPC wants to partner with.

Bob – In some organizations there may be groups within the organization who want to join.  This could be done without full organizational endorsement. 

Oscar –  The Ministry of Health for Ontario will be joining HSPC.  Oscar will be speaking to them in Toronto.

Ajay – Has a project to link KPIs to technical performance measures for the VA 

Oscar Diaz 

Pilot funding proposal status

Obtain use case documentation from LSU – Oscar Diaz

Coordination with other groups within VA

Priority Item – Website


Priority Item –     Incorporation and Organization and Funding

Oscar – Have a proposal from ASU re. having Davide as CTO.  Have a candidate for the marketing director.  Need to set up payroll and benefits.  Plan to have ADP manage payroll.  Davide will be part time initially.   _________________    Consulting has offered to provide administrative support.

Oscar – Need to restructure the Board.  Will have three benefactor members.   Need a fourth benefactor.  Will discuss with Cerner. 

Stan – Approached Intermountain re. a part time CFO.  They are willing to provide this support.  Can continue to use Intermountain to provide limited legal advice. 









Stan Huff/Oscar Diaz

Staff recruitment

Follow-up with VA,  Regenstreif, and Harris on payments – Stan, Oscar

Develop membership marketing materials to solicit new members – Membership Committee

Solicit Additional Benefactor Members – Oscar

Send preliminary budget to Stan – Oscar

Reach out to dbMotion re. membership – Oscar 

Provide Stan with contact information for participants in call to finalize membership agreement – Oscar

Provide a copy of the membership agreement to Rick – Stan

Stan will follow-up to see if the membership agreement can incorporate the click-thru license.

Post membership agreement when it is final – Rick Freeman

Schedule a board meeting – Oscar

Register a HSPC price list on the GSA schedule – Oscar

Priority Item – Committee Organization – Implementation of Process

Craig Parker, MD to send out HSPC wide message soliciting members to join committee – by 02/27

Craig – Setting up Google groups.  Should be complete this week.

Craig – Will post committee processes to Confluence

Priority Item — Press Releases


 Oscar Diaz

Develop a press releases on HSPC and the Argonauts and the HSPC organization and mission – Oscar Diaz

Develop press release on VA project

Get an article in Health Data Management to promote membership.  Rick will reach out to Eileen. 

Priority Item –  Tier 2 Messaging



Craig Parker, MD to setup a meeting to discuss the Tier 2 messaging.


Priority Item –   Get technical content on website or other accessible location
  • FHIR profiles that can be viewed and browsed
  • Sample programs that show how the FHIR profiles can be used 


Stan Huff/Rick Freeman

Develop specification proposal with links to reference implementations – Rick Freeman

Resolve the issue of granularity

Approve the enhanced model content presentation tool

Recruitment of contributors – LSU, Intermountain, Cerner, LSU

Support for orchestration

Reference architecture definition

Work is being done on the business processes and service definitions for tier 2. 

 Need to determine with Stan what should be added that is not already there. 

 Priority Item –  Value Proposition  Ajay Asthana
HL7 Argonaut Project 


 Stan Huff




 Reach out to Allscripts – Jeff Franks  – Rick

Kaiser/Mayo outreach – Stan Huff/Oscar Diaz

Operations Work Group


Craig Parker

Launch in January

Project Plan 

Rick Freeman


 Hosted Vendor Implementations


Ajay Asthana

Outcome of Ajay and Paul meeting

Documentation of process for posting to the repository

Communications and Marketing


Rick Freeman

Survey Responses

Meeting with ONC

Meeting with CMS

Update marketing materials

Develop white paper

Develop budget for website

Prepare executive overview of HSPC

Define announcement distribution channels

Develop marketing campaign

Develop press releases

Decision rights and processes Oscar Diaz
Review Action Items  Virginia Riehl



 Action Items    



Start Date

End Date



 Send out "save the date" for next HSPC meeting 03/17/15  Craig Parker  
 Register an HSPC price list on the GSA schedule 03/03/15  Oscar Diaz  
Discuss with Cerner the "write" pathway for the APIs  03/03/15 

 Stan Huff

Craig Parker

Send out HSPC wide message soliciting members to join committee  02/17/15  Craig Parker 
 Setup a meeting to discuss the Tier 2 messaging.  02/17/15  Craig Parker 
Reach out to Orion  01/27/15  Oscar Diaz 
 Contact Chris Ross at Mayo   01/20/15  Stan Huff 
Contact Allscripts   01/20/15  Oscar Diaz 
Contact Alastair at Gesinger   01/20/15  Stan Huff 
 Develop a press releases on HSPC and the Argonauts and the HSPC organization an mission  12/09/14  Oscar Diaz 
 Determine points of coordination including the development of leaf level models  12/09/14  Stan Huff 
 Obtain use case documentation from LSU 11/25/14  Oscar Diaz  
Schedule a call to finalize membership agreement  11/25/14  Stan Huff 
 Provide Stan with contact information for participants in call to finalize membership agreement   11/25/14  Oscar Diaz 
 Provide a copy of the membership agreement to Rick  11/25/14  Stan Huff 
 Post membership agreement when it is final  11/25/14  Rick Freeman 
Get an article in Health Data Management to promote membership.  Rick will reach out to Eileen  11/11/14  Rick Freeman 
 Set up membership committee calls  11/11/14  Craig Parker 
Develop membership marketing materials to solicit new members   11/11/14 Membership Committee 
Solicit Additional Benefactor Members  11/11/14  Oscar Diaz 
Reach out to dbMotion re. membership  11/11/14  Oscar Diaz 
Follow-up with VA, Intermountain, and Harris on payments 10/28/14 

 Oscar Diaz

Stan Huff

 Resolve issue of FHIR profile granularity 10/28/14 Stan Huff 
 Develop specification proposal with links to reference implementations 10/28/14 Rick Freeman 
 Approve the enhanced model content presentation tool  10/28/14   
 Contact Allscripts re. identifying a new representative 10/07/14  Oscar Diaz  
 Develop value proposition 10/07/14  Paul White  Ajay is working on a value proposition statement for review by Steering Committee

Craig Parker is developing a presentation for Intermountain that could be used with other groups

 Outreach to Kaiser 10/01/14 Stan Huff 
 Event Policies – Develop process and policies for attending events on behalf of HSPC  10/01/14   
 Define Plans for VA Project With LSU 09/23/14    
 Develop Orchestration Demonstration 09/23/14    
 Policy on Member Recruitment Bonus 09/23/14  Oscar Diaz  
 Evaluate JIRA for Managing the Project Plan 09/09/14  Rick Freeman  
Enroll Members  10/14/14   
Define Operating Processes 08/26/14 Craig ParkerNeed to appoint Work Group and proposals on how they will work
Define Decision Rights and Processes 08/26/14 

Oscar Diaz

Mike Hederson

Sue Jimenez

Rick Freeman

Tom Oniki

Business Arm Work Group 08/26/14 Oscar Diaz 
External Communications Work Group 08/26/14 Eileen Rivera 
Conduct survey on communications 08/26/14 Eileen RiveraSurvey fielded
Update Marketing Materials 08/26/14   
 Develop Budget for Website 09/23/14   Rick Freeman 
Prepare Executive Overview of HSPC 08/26/14  


Define Announcement Distribution Channels 08/26/14   
Develop Marketing Campaign 08/26/14   
Develop Press Releases 08/26/14  Draft developed by PR staff from Harris
Define Consistent Processes for Committees to Document Their Discussion and Actions 08/26/14  Need to recruit someone with experience with standards approval processes
Create a Project Plan and Road Map (release schedule) for the Technical Specification Development 08/26/14 Rick FreemanTesting JIRA to maintain the plan


Coordinate HSPC demo in Harris booth  03/31/15 04/13/15 Oscar/Eileen 
HSPC cards with demo time and locations  03/31/15 04/13/15  
Develop write-ups on each of the apps   03/31/15 04/13/15 Rick/Oscar 
Post the HSPC schedule on an accessible location  03/17/15  04/13/15  
 Develop a one-pager on HSPC  03/17/15  04/13/15  
 Arrange HSPC dinner or reception  03/17/15 04/13/15   
Develop a master list of demo locations and the demos that will be done at HIMSS  03/03/15 04/13/15 Craig Parker 
 Determine the signage that will be allowed in each booth   03/03/15 04/13/15 Craig Parker 
 Set up a call between Stan and Janet  03/03/15 04/13/15 Rick Freeman 
 Create a calendar of events at HIMSS   03/03/15 04/13/15 Craig Parker 
Set up a meeting with Rick, Eileen, Oscar re. messaging.   03/03/15 04/13/15 Craig Parker 
Reach out to Regenstrief to see if they can participate  03/03/15 04/13/15 Stan Huff 
 Work with Eileen on what is required for marketing at HIMSS  01/20/15 04/13/15 Rick Freeman 
 Send information on HIMSS presentation schedule to Rick Freeman 11/25/14  04/13/15Stan Huff  
Send preliminary budget to Stan  11/11/14 04/13/15 Oscar Diaz 
Develop Draft Organization Structure 10/28/14 04/13/15

Oscar Diaz

Craig Parker

 Process for Signing Up Members at HIMSS 09/23/14 04/13/15  
 HIMSS Budget Development 09/23/14  04/13/15  


  • Have some applications in production use
  • EASE from Mayo
  • Meducation by Polyglot
  • VisualDX
  • Intermountain Bilirubin
  • Multiple vendors

Apps from multiple developers

  08/26/14 04/13/15Rick Freeman 

Need to develop a theme

Need to recruit participants 

 Notify HSPC group of incorporation 09/02/14  CompleteStan Huff  
 Follow-up with Reggie re. getting access to the VA booth.   03/03/15 03/31/15 Rick Freeman 
 Follow-up with ONC re. Interoperabilty showcase   03/03/15 03/31/15  
 Contact the VA re. meeting facilities for HSPC May Meeting 03/24/15  03/31/15 Stan Huff 

Finalize the list of initial committees

  02/17/15 02/24/15

Oscar Diaz

Craig Parker

Create google groups for each committee  02/17/15 02/24/15 Craig Parker 
 Determine Google Drive permissions 01/20/15 02/24/15  
 Set up sand box meeting 10/07/14  02/24/15Rick Freeman  
 Set up HIMSS coordination meeting 10/07/14 02/24/15 Rick Freeman  

Establish Sandbox

  • Where & How?
  • Set standards
  • ASU Mayo, LSU
  • What is in the sandbox?
  • Identify the essential minimum set of capabilities
  • Core services - patient identification, security, data access services
  • Expansive dataset
  • Access to profiles
  • Sample apps
  • Reference implementation
  • Target EHRs?
  • Certification level sandbox
  • One or more app dev SDKs.

Encourage hosted vendor implementations

  08/26/14 02/24/15

Rick Freeman

Robert Greenes 

Herb White

Aziz Boxwala

Scott Whyte

Oscar Diaz

Julio Facelli

Ajay Asthana


Bob Greenes suggested that someone from the VA should participate in this group

Rick Freeman will reach out to Darren Drew to identify a VA representatives

 Outreach to Regenstrief 10/01/14 01/27/15Stan Huff 
Schedule a time to review the agenda and membership agreement and benefits.    01/20/15 01/27/15 Rick Freeman 
Identify a set of committees that will be formed at the meeting.    01/20/15 01/27/15

 Craig Parker

Rick Freeman

Follow up with Oscar to get information on the organization structure.   01/20/15 01/27/15 Rick Freeman 

Contact Oscar re. getting the committee structure approved.

  01/20/15 01/27/15 Rick Freeman 
 Schedule call to finalize agenda and length of meeting  12/09/14 01/27/15 Craig Parker 
Develop plan for MedInfo  12/09/14 01/20/15

 Bob Greenes

Stan Huff

Contact Cerner and Marc Overhage.   01/20/15 01/27/15 Stan Huff 
 Reach out to Bo Dagnall at HP   01/20/15 01/27/15 Craig Parker 
Contact Oracle.     01/20/15 01/27/15 Stan Huff 
 Contact IBM   01/20/15 01/27/15 Oscar Diaz 
 Contact Kevin and Jamie at Kaiser   01/20/15 01/27/15 Stan Huff 
 Identify who will be attending MedInfo and could be part of a panel – Bob Greenes  12/09/14 01/20/15 Bob Greenes 
Obtain Board Member signatures on Board Document 10/28/14 01/20/15Oscar Diaz 

 HSPC Meeting

  • When
  • Where
  • Host 
  08/26/14 01/06/15  

Identify meeting location options in New Orleans

  11/11/14 01/06/15

 Wayne Wilbright

Oscar Diaz

Finalize By Laws and Membership Agreement 09/12/14 12/31/14Temporary Board 
Draft an email re. the meeting and send to Stan and Oscar Rick and Craig for review.  Rick or Craig will send  12/16/14 12/19/14 Virginia Riehl 
 Send out meeting announcement  12/09/14 12/19/14  
 Coordinate AMIA speakers 10/14/14 11/11/14Bob Greenes 
 Determine if a meeting on the sandbox can be held at AMIA 10/14/14 11/11/14Bob Greenes 
 Set up call to plan for next HSPC general meeting 10/07/14  11/11/14Oscar Diaz  
 Finalize Membership Agreement 10/28/14 11/11/14 Oscar Diaz 
 Follow-up with Mike Garcia re. Board participation 10/28/14 11/11/14Oscar Diaz 
Prepare blog post on DC meeting 09/02/14 09/30/14Stan Huff 
Create Mailing List 09/02/14 09/30/14Eileen Rivera

Email group created

Will distribute email to request people to register for the list

 Appoint Temporary Board 08/28/14 09/12/14 Stan Huff  
 Prepare Thoughts on DC Meeting 08/26/14 09/22/14 Eileen Rivera  
 Develop Newsletter 08/26/14 09/22/14  Eileen Rivera 



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